Hispanic couple signing paperwork with a woman notary by their side

Notary Calendar

Setting a new standard for scheduling mobile notaries.

Side Gig

Free Profile!
Free No cost
  • Free Notary Calendar Profile
  • Name your own fees
  • Set your own travel radius
  • No out of pocket expense
  • $10 per accepted order

Super Notary

Bringing Home the Bacon
$ 50 Month
  • Free Notary Calendar Profile
  • Name your own fees
  • Set your own travel radius
  • Prebuilt Website
  • White Label
  • Unlimited orders!!!

All In

Make it a Business
$ 20 Month
  • Free Notary Calendar Profile
  • Name your own fees
  • Set your own travel radius
  • Groups (Networking)
  • Unlimited orders!!!

We Solve Logistics Challenges for Notaries!

We are committed to innovative efficiency and changing the way to book your favorite notary. At Notary Calendar, we specialize in solving logistics challenges for mobile service providers. Adding a layer of transparency creates a more professional solution that users find refreshing.

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